Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Body Guy and The Rambler

None of us are one-dimensional people.

In a categorical sense, my main purpose for this blog may be weight loss, or health/fitness, but I consider myself - or at least, I strive to be - a well-rounded person. I want to get a little of everything out of life, so I hope to give this blog a little taste of everything I experience - a personal touch - and hopefully, along the way, something resonates. It's really about lifestyle, after all, and everything within your lifestyle is interrelated in some way.

When I'm writing this blog, I don't wanna be Body Guy. Everyone who's been in a fitness center, or has a coworker who spends hours a day in the gym, knows who I'm talking about. Body Guy is "that" guy who wants you to know exactly how much weight he can bicep curl or bench press in a single rep, and how many clients he personally trained this week. His daily conversations are peppered with references to his obliques - or abliques - or whatever muscle group is the feature of the month. Body Guy comes across as kind of one-dimensional, and that's not me.

Nor do I want to be The Rambler. I do like me some writing, OK?. I'll own that. But since I want people to hear what I have to say, I'll respect the fact that nobody wants to read about the shoddy customer service I received at the DMV, or what steps it took to re-tune my piece-of-crap lawnmower back into shape. The Rambler doesn't understand this, and never fails to thrill us with endless cat stories and tales of good times gone by ("This one time, at band camp..."). You know that Facebook friend whose status updates are dominated by phrases like, "Sooo tired today. Thinking about a nap..."? She just might be The Rambler.

Not that I'm any kind of expert, but if you're running a blog, or thinking about starting one, I think these are just a couple of examples of things to avoid. In my experience as a web user, if you want me to read what you write online, you have to be as entertaining as you are informative. Just my two cents. Take it for what it's worth.

After saying all this, I realize now that I've set myself up for failure. Now, I'm gonna have to walk on eggshells not to sound like Body Guy or The Rambler. Maybe now's a good time to cut to the chase...

9:00 a.m. homemade breakfast burrito, small, estimated 350 cals
- made with 1/3 potato, 1/3 onion, and about a tablespoon each butter/olive oil, 100 calories - 1 of 3 servings, estimated 100 cals
1 cup orange juice, 120 cals
12:30 p.m. Same salad as yesterday's except added 1/4 cup cheese, 550 cals
4:30 p.m. meal at work - prosciutto, salami, 1 slice melted cheese and tomato on a jumbo toasted hamburger bun, estimated 470 cals
Total: 1590 calories

Equipment: God-Forsaken Exercise Bike
Intensity (1 to 7): 3 - remind me to explain my rating system
Length: 30 mins
Calories burned: 200
Imaginary miles traveled: 5.0

By the way - thank you to all the folks who've expressed their encouragement, either in person or online. It means alot. I've been flattered to see who all is reading (and responding) outside of the people I normally come in contact with every day. If this keeps up, I should hit 300 pageviews today, Lord willing. That's not 300 readers, necessarily, but 300 times the blog's been clicked on, including readers clicking multiple times.

And keep the comments coming. I know the website wants you to sign up for an account, but I've set it so that you can comment anonymously. This doesn't mean you have to remain anonymous - you can still state your name in the comment. Just so ya know. Marie's anonymous comment yesterday prompted me to start thinking about the subject of temptation. So that's something I'm working on for the future.


  1. Can you work on weight loss and being a well-rounded person at the same time? Personally I'm either losing weight OR I'm well-rounded.
    Elizabeth :)

  2. From my observations, I have to agree with Elizabeth.
    The Wife

  3. Dear The Wife,

    I think Elizabeth was simply making a joke, not an observation on life.

