Friday, October 8, 2010

Back in the Saddle Again

Bless me father, for I have sinned. It's been one week since my last blog post.

This blog should be updated at least every other day, if not daily. That's a serious undertaking when you're as long-winded as I write. It was intended to provide accountability, but it doesn't serve its purpose if I go a week without revealing what's going on.

So let me update you. I'm foregoing work on a major class project and preparation for a Monday mid-term exam in order to do this. We all have to make sacrifices.

Last Saturday was the fateful encounter with the Great Wall of Chinese (see previous post). Then, the shoulder injury kept me out of the gym for several days. But, like they used to say back in my rodeo days: "You get bucked off, you get right back on."

P.S. - I was never in a rodeo. I've scarcely even sat on a horse. I'm not even sure that quote is accurate.

I only kept track of my eating for the last couple of days (see below for details). However, I managed to string together two serious workouts for the first time in months (also see below). Overall, if the next couple of days are as good as the last, I think I'll break even for the week. By the way, the week ends Sunday, so I'll try to give a weight gain/loss update on Monday. All this to say, my expectation at this point is no change, but that would be a win, given where I've been.

It's looking like my best chance to work out is gonna be first thing in the morning. For some people I know, 10am is first thing in the morning. But for real-life people like me, that means getting up at 6. I'm not expected to be anywhere until 9am. Hopefully, I was in bed by midnight the night before. And it's just gonna make for a better overall quality of life if I start my day like this. So... let's just go with what seems to be working. Here's my proposed routine:

The alarm clock is set for 6am. First thing's first - gotta have my coffee. So I stumble into the kitchen and get that going.

Now, this is gonna sound stupid, but I have to shower before I work out. No, not because I wanna look good for the ladies while I'm sweating it out, but because when I haven't showered, my face is greasy. And when my face is greasy, I can't wear my glasses, because they slip down my nose, and that's just gross. And if I can't wear my glasses, then I can't drive to go work out. So, a shower is necessary, even if it adds 15 minutes to my departure time.

Food is another necessity. Calories. I re-learned this on Thursday, trying to go on an empty stomach. I don't recommend it. Trying desperately not to wake anyone else up, carefully I slip through the house and do my preparations. Coffee, check. Shower, check. Calories, check. On with the sneakers, and off to the campus rec center. Workout starts approximately 7 a.m.

I hate exercise bikes. That seat's always just so darn uncomfortable. Especially when you're fat. They don't really go anywhere, like a real bike. Plus, they don't give me the same sense of "working out" that I get with the rowing machine, or the elliptical, or even the treadmill. Either I get on an easy setting and spin my feet without much effort, or I get on a harder setting and my thighs burn so much I can't go long enough to get a good cardio workout.

This is not just an out-of-shape thing. Even when I was in great shape, I hated the exercise bike. The only reasons I keep getting on those things are A) I don't have a real bike, and B) the irrational, recurring nightmare/fantasy of someday being chased by something or someone terrible, and I'm losing the chase, but suddenly out of nowhere appears a bicycle, and somehow through my years of imaginary bicycling, I've gained the ability to outrun my pursuer and flee to safety. That's really the only reason I use the exercise bike.

I'm starting out with a 20-30 minute cardio workout, and every other day I'm gonna do some strength-building stuff. Until I feel comfortable in the gym again, the strength-building is mostly gonna be upper-body... crunches, dips, chin-ups - maybe some neck, back, or bicep/tricep stuff, if I feel froggy.

The cardio is gonna vary with whatever I feel like doing at the time. Rowing seems to be the best bang for my buck. Although, with the elliptical machines, I get to watch ESPN, and that's not a bad deal. Also, there's the exercise bikes.

Equipment: Star-Trac Elliptical Machine
Intensity (1 to 7): 4
Length: 25 minutes
Calories Burned: 230
Equipment: God-Forsaken Exercise Bike
Intensity (1 to 7): 5
Length: 32 minutes (including cool-down)
Calories Burned: 225
Imaginary miles pedaled: 8.5 miles
Additional exercises: 3 sets each of 10 assisted dips, assisted chin-ups, and crunches

Here's what I've decided about diet. I've got to take more responsibility for planning for meals. If I'm positive I can eat at work, then I'll count on it, but when in doubt eat first.

I'm just focusing on cutting down to under 2,000 calories, for now. This might take the form of three, 500-700 calorie meals, or it might be four, 300-500 calorie meals, depending on what's available at home, work, school, etc. I'm not always in the same place when it's time to eat, so this is still sort of up in the air.

As discussed in the first post, I'm going for low-calorie, but high "satiety", or appetite satisfaction. Some examples can be found here. I'm also leaning toward non-processed foods, lean meats, and high-fiber. Keep in mind, I'm not making strict rules at this point, but in the future I reserve the right to start doing so. The main thing right now is, don't eat over 2,000 calories. Period.

Here's the eating journal for the past two days. Not an exact science, but I'm being pretty conservative, rounding up with the unknowns, and doing due diligence with the internets to be as accurate as possible:

9:00 a.m. 6 "mini-quiches" from the freezer, 360 cals
1:00 p.m. 1/2 serving of Pork Lo Mein, leftovers from Wok Hay, 625 cals (tried emailing Wok Hay for nutritional info, but estimated based on limited info I could find online since no response)
5:00 p.m. 1/2 cup homemade chili, with 1/4 cup shredded cheese, 2 tablespoons sour cream, and small handful Frito chips, 450 cals
Total: 1435 calories

8:00 a.m. 6 "mini-quiches" from the freezer, 360 cals
12:00 p.m. 2 tortilla roll-ups, one with chicken salad, one with hummus and bean sprouts, 1/4 cup mixed fruit, 1 cup pasta salad, estimated 500 cals
3:00 p.m. 3 tortilla roll-ups, two with chicken salad, one with hummus and bean sprouts, 1/2 cup pasta salad, estimated 370 cals
7:00 p.m. salad with 1 tablespoon honey bacon & french dressing, 4 oz filet, 1 new potato roasted in olive oil, estimated 450 cals
Total: 1680 calories

1 comment:

  1. couldn't you just wash your face without taking an entire shower? that would allow you to sleep 10 more minutes with a quick splash & gentle soap cleanser to the face and then blot with a dry towel and you're off...

    however, sleep is overrated, so do as you please.

    seriosly: keep going man, i admire your perseverance!
