Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Handing Out Grades

Yesterday being the last day of school here in Knox County, time to do some evaluation and give out grades to some deserving recipients!

Grad School: B+
Nobody likes homework, but fortunately the one course I took this semester was light on assignments, and I got an 'A'. Good thing too, 'cause in the process I think I came down with senioritis all over again. Eh, it's almost over anyway. Working with the athletic department's been a blast, too.

Fine dining in Knoxville: D
It doesn't really exist. Oh sure, there's plenty of dining. I think, at one point, we even held the national title for most restaurants per capita - maybe we still have it. But there's nothing fine about dining out when the next table over is chasing a three-year-old around the table or complaining about how "them dang ole dawgs is back agin".

Campus Rec Center: C
It's got all the basics. Nothin' fancy. Parking's sometimes a problem, and the hours are a little inconvenient sometimes. They tend to cut back the open hours every time there's a break in classes, which is generally when I have the most time to spend. Tons of equipment and resources though. I only wish they provided towel service and soap/shampoo dispensers in the showers like some of the commercial rec centers I've used.

CrossFit K-Town: A+
Haven't been back since my first trip a couple months ago. But I sure need to go again. Their free Saturday morning workout is the best thing going in town, as far as fitness.

Thanksgiving: F
Spent the whole day, around 11 a.m. to 11 p.m., working at the restaurant. Not voluntarily, either. I told one of the customers that, too.

Black Friday: D
Overrated. I don't care if they're selling TV's at 60% off. I can't believe there are that many folks out there who prefer electronics and hours of waiting in line to sleep. And I didn't even get to pound anyone.

The Internet: C+
Not sure what it's good for, besides playing games and funny videos. It's amusing sometimes, but it seems to take up way too much of my time. Gave it a plus because of the blog, Wikipedia, and IMDB.com.

Snow: B+
Two wintry storms last week. One left an inch of snow, the other dumped ice. Neither stuck around for more then 24 hours, but I'm grading easy this time, since it technically wasn't winter until yesterday. Got outside and spent a solid 30-45 minutes pulling the Preschooler around the yard in a saucer sled. She wanted to go fast downhill... and uphill too. Got in my workout for the day.

My Fantasy Football teams, "The Ron Mexico Show" and "Legend of Ron Mexico": A
It's taken the better part of my restraint not to bring up fantasy football until this far into the blog. I've only referenced football in general briefly once or twice. That's the kind of willpower 30 by 30 is all about. But I'm only human. My two teams went a combined 20-6 during the season, and two or three of those losses came at the end, with nothing left to play for. My better team plays for the championship this week, and the other is still alive for 5th place after giving up a huge lead in a last-second playoff loss.

And last, but practically least... Me: C+

This grade is composed of three categories.

Exercise: C
My exercise routine started with a bang, but hasn't been the best part of my 30 by 30 campaign lately. Last week was a better one, but I went about three weeks there without doing much of anything, in terms of exercise.

Diet: B+
At one point, I stopped keeping exact count of calories, and maybe that was a mistake. Despite not logging them on the blog, I started counting again. Just haven't been able to write enough to justify typing it all out. So far, diet has been my strong point in this amateur weight loss project. I've got a real weakness for fried stuff, pizza, and fatty meats, but fortunately I don't have much of a sweet tooth and I've been able to mostly refrain from overeating.

Hydration: D
This is a problem, I'm sure. I was completely neglecting water for the first few weeks. When I got sick last month, I re-acquainted myself with sports drinks, and although I'm probably more hydrated now, they've also got alot of sugar. I'm in the process of weaning myself by going to diet sport drinks, and hopefully that'll make it easier to remember to drink water instead.

I've kinda put myself in a corner. I'm down to the final six weeks here, and I've got 16 pounds left to lose. It's gonna take an 'A' or 'B+' effort from here on.

9:00 a.m. one "everything" bagel from Panera Bread, with about two tablespoons Smart Balance Light 400 calories

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